You have the best of intentions when it comes to writing your blog.
Perhaps you’ve actually set time aside on your calendar to write that post. You
sit in front of the computer and stare at the screen with no ideas bubbling to
the surface demanding to be written. Where can you find topics to write for
your readers?
Start by pulling over the yellow legal pad, write at the top “What
am I asked over and over?”
Write the numbers one through six, one under the other so you’re
using the whole pad. Now, without over-thinking it, write what comes to your
mind first, then next continuing until you have six. Use as few words as
possible to describe those questions. Keep it simple and quick.
Think back to discussions with clients on the phone or in person,
court hallway conversations, webinar Q & A sessions or queries from
strangers you met standing in line at the local coffee shop for your morning
coffee. These conversations give you topics that are important to clients and
potential clients.
As you remember these questions, you will realize that the
questioners aren’t asking about a recent court decision or your latest brief on
a discreet legal topic. They are asking about problems that affect their lives.
Maybe they are buying a house and want to know about deeds available in
Michigan. Or what is a will?
There are two types of blog topics:
First, are topics that are timeless. Such topics as the difference
between a legal separation and a divorce.
Second, are timely topics usually found in the form of an analysis
of breaking news story, which can be either mainstream or industry-specific.
Once you have the six topics, decide how often you’re going to post
your blog. If once a week, you now have six weeks of topics; if every other
week, then you have 12 weeks of posts. Put your writing time in your calendar
and treat it with the same importance you would a meeting with a client.
On your non-writing weeks, schedule a time to look for news that
needs explaining for your clients. They will appreciate your analysis of the
situation and be pleased that you are thinking of them. Don’t worry if it’s
been done before. You have your own take on the subject written in the light of
the concerns of your clients.
Now you have six to 12 weeks of blog post topics. As you work your
way through your list and you get more questions from clients, friends and
acquaintances, you will find yourself adding to the list and never being at a
loss for a topic for your blog.